Data Analytics with Python


Data Analytics

Data Analytics with Python


The Program focuses on competency development. Each course has a collection of "learning sprints." Each sprint typically requires a 10 hours of learning effort. Each learning sprint is mapped to a distinct task and is built around a challenge that validates a learner’s ability to perform that task effectively.

June 11 - September 10, 2023

2:00 - 6:00 PM

5,550 SAR (Register before May 12, 2023 to get 10% discount)

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Each week, there will be two four-hour sync sessions and an additional four hours of office-hour support.

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Program Outline & Highlights

Data Analytics with Python
  • This program helps learners build a strong foundation in programming that can help analyze data. You will write code using variables, data types, lists, loops, conditional logic, and functions.
  • The program covers Pandas and NumPy libraries that provide flexible and customizable commands to analyze data. Pandas provide tools for loading data from different file formats as Python objects. NumPy has extensive scientific and mathematical computing methods. Pandas and NumPy libraries help in reshaping, cleaning and optimizing data quickly and efficiently.
  • This program will help learners as they progress through their academic journey and will lay the foundation of an important programming and data analysis skill that will be of immense value in their professional lives.
  • On-site Training

  • E-Kit

    E-book + Exam Voucher

Only 25 seats available!
Registration closes when seats are full.